Thailand 2025 South-East Asian Games: Nomination Policy (2 February – 5 Sept 2025)

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Affiliated to –

Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE)

Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC)

Sport Singapore (Sport SG)

Thailand 2025 South-East Asian Games: Nomination Policy (2 February – 5 Sept 2025)


The 2025 Thailand SEA Games will be held from 7 – 19 December 2025, across Bangkok, Chonburi and Songkhla. This Nomination Policy contains key information on the types of chess events to be held, eligibility and application process.

Committee Members:

High Performance Committee:

IM Jason Goh (Chair)

IM Hsu Li Yang

Mr. Lau Yan Han

Appeals Committee:

GM Wong Meng Kong (Chair)

IM Terry Toh

Mr. Seow Yongli

Events to be contested (as of 2 February 2025):

Type Category Time Control Number of Players per Team
Chess Men 15 mins + 10 seconds increment 2
Chess Women 15 mins + 10 seconds increment 2
ASEAN Chess Men 15 mins + 10 seconds increment 4 + 1
ASEAN Chess Women 15 mins + 10 seconds increment 4 + 1
Makruk Men 60 mins + 20 seconds increment 2 + 1
Makruk Men 15 mins + 10 seconds increment 4 +1
Makruk Men 5 mins + 3 seconds increment 3 + 1
Makruk Mixed 60 mins + 20 seconds increment 4 men, 1 woman per team

1 reserve (man)

Note that ASEAN Chess and Makruk are variants which contain many similarities to the game of Chess.

As some of the events are likely to be held concurrently, it is highly probable that players would not be able to play more than 3 of the above tournaments. More information shall be provided once available from the organisers.

Training and Preparation:

For Chess (not including ASEAN Chess and Makruk), nominees must be in the National Training Programme (refer to  of the Singapore Chess Federation.

For ASEAN Chess and Makruk, interested participants shall be invited to join a customised training programme and participate in curated ASEAN Chess and Makruk tournaments.


a. Citizenship

Nominees must be Singapore Citizens at the time of nomination and should not be holding dual citizenship if they are above 22 years of age.

b. Data points

The results from the following tournaments shall be considered by the SCF High Performance Committee for the internal longlist:


i) Singapore National Chess Championships

ii) Official regional events like the South-East Asian Zone Championships or the Asian Continental Championships

iii) Other FIDE rated tournaments where relevant

iv) FIDE Rating

ASEAN Chess and Makruk:

i) Regional ASEAN Chess and Makruk tournaments

[Added on 6 February 2025, 4pm]

c. Conduct

Pursuant to the Olympic Charter (By laws to Rules 27 and 28, paragraph 2.1), “Selection shall be based not only on the sports performance of an athlete but also on his ability to serve as an example to the sporting youth of his country.”

From these tournaments, a player shall be nominated to SNOC for consideration if he/she has demonstrated the potential to finish among the top 3 finishers at the SEA Games or represent high potential.

Application Process and Tentative Timeline (subject to the organiser’s final confirmation):

  1. Interested parties who wish to be nominated shall submit their application via email to with the subject header [Application for SEA Games 2025]
  2. The email should indicate the event that the players are keen to participate in, recent tournament results that support their nomination and FIDE rating.
  3. For ASEAN Chess and Makruk, there is a lack of regional tournaments that can serve as data points. As such, applicants should indicate their commitment to training and participation in any upcoming regional tournaments in their application.
  4. The SCF High Performance Committee shall select the names for longlist and nomination based on the following timeline:

2 – 28 February 2025: Registration by interested parties

15 March 2025: SCF to compile internal longlist.

15 April 2025: SCF to finalise longlist and submit via SportSync (Official portal)

15 May 2025: Nomination process begins

July (exact date TBC): SCF to finalise nomination list via SportSync

August/September 2024: SCF to consider appeals, if any

[Added on 6 February 2025, 4pm]

September 2024: Entry by Name deadline (Exact date TBC)

In the event where the number of athletes nominated by the SCF and subsequently selected by the SNOC Selection/Appeal Committees exceeds the entry limit per event, the HPE Committee will select the final list of athletes at the Entry By Name stage.


Players can lodge an appeal by writing to, with the subject header [Appeal – 2025 SEA Games Nomination].  The email should contain relevant recent results that may have taken place after the longlist has been submitted.

[Added on 6 February 2025, 4pm]

  • The HPE appeals committee will make the final decision on appeals.